Designing for AI and conventional UX

Joe Wilson
July 1, 2024

At SchoolAI, we faced the challenge of integrating advanced chat AI functionalities with the traditional, form-based interfaces familiar to educators. The tension arose from the dynamic, conversational nature of chat AI clashing with the static, predictable UX patterns that teachers were used to. To address this, we adopted a phased implementation approach, initially introducing chat AI for specific tasks like lesson planning and grading assistance. By maintaining key legacy UX elements and providing comprehensive training resources, we aimed to ease the transition for our users.

Our strategy proved effective as educators reported increased efficiency and satisfaction, particularly appreciating the real-time support from the chat AI. Retaining familiar UX patterns facilitated a smoother transition and reduced resistance to change. As users grew more comfortable with chat AI, they began leveraging its full potential, leading to improved classroom management and personalized student interactions. This experience highlighted the importance of balancing innovative technology with user-centric design to ensure broad adoption and enhance the overall educational experience​

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